Friday, May 22, 2009

Life update

Right now my life is up in the air. At first I wanted to move back in with my parents to save some money just in case if I did move and could not find a job I would have some money to fall back on. Now, will I stay at A.C. Moore? I would like to stay if they have a job for me in MA. I looked online at the positions available yesterday and there is a merchandising supervisor position available. This means that if I get the job I will act like a manager and give orders to the associates beneath me. I would also need a little bit of training. I would like the adjustment to my pay check. My manager is going to call the store and see what’s happening with the position. So, it’s a matter of if I get the job soon, the sooner I can move to MA. If not then I will be moving by the end of the summer. I also will be finishing my associates degree online.

My mom is not too thrilled that I am moving. I will only be 2 hours away. It’s not like 6, like my sister. The Stud will be leaving in August for college. So, that just leaves one kid at home for mom and dad. I mean she has to face it. Kids grow up and become adults. They start their own lives. I have to do what is best for me and as of right now its being with someone I love and moving to MA.

Loving Life and Loving Her

I spent Tuesday night in MA with Sugar Mama. What I night, we decided to move her “queen/full” size bed into her new apartment. She was going to put it on the top of the car without tying it down. Ha. I wasn’t going to pick it up on the side of the road so I made her tie it down. So, here we are driving across town with a bed strapped down to the top of the car. I wanted to crawl in the back and hide! Then there was the job of getting it into the apartment. Well, it wouldn’t go in the front door so we had to take it around the complex through the back door. There we were carry this bed on our heads around the complex. Ha. Needless to say, we were exhausted. We both worked the early morning shift and I had also drove 2 hours.

The last time Sugar Mama was in NY we wanted to cook smores. Well, we never got around to cooking them. Tuesday night we tried again. And once again it didn’t happen. I think it was a combination of being tired and smoking. We did have a Reese’s. Ha.

The stuff that we talk about when we are stoned is just priceless. I am not really sure how we got on this topic but we were talking about how my parents started dating? Ha. So, I thought about something. I want to write down how Sugar Mama and I met so I can tell my children and so on.

Sugar Mama and I actually had an online meeting before we met. Special K was my roommate at the time. She became friends with Cupcake through work. Cupcake came over to our apartment to hang out and she mentioned a friend that lived in MA and told me that we should meet. She immediately pulled out my laptop and got on facebook to show me what Sugar Mama looked like. If I remember correctly I think she called her as well? Let’s see. The topic that started it all was the movie “Shortbus”. If anyone has seen this movie they know it is a little on the weird side but almost a porno. Ha. We continued to talk on facebook until Sugar Mama told me that she would rather Myspace because of her crazy ex. So, MySpace it was for a little while until she decided to visit NY. We went out on a double date with Cupcake and Special K at the Circus CafĂ© in downtown Saratoga. Boy was I nervous; I think I changed my shirt 3 times. After that we all went back to my apartment and hung out. The next day we went apple picking. We had a lot of fun the ended all too quickly. We remained friends. I wouldn’t call it dating because we lived so far away and our ex’s were still involved in our lives. I mean going to her house with bite marks on my neck wasn’t so impressing. We saw each other when we could. We carved pumpkins together. Sugar Mama’s pumpkin? Hmm...she tried. Ha. I didn’t realize how much I liked her until Thanksgiving night. I invited her for dinner with my family and she came and went home that night. After she left I went to Crazy’s house for dessert with her and her parents. I guess my emotions got the best of me because I began to feel sick. I finally saw that I liked someone else. I needed to get out of the situation that I was in with Crazy. I caved in again and still continued to talk to Crazy and spend time with her. Sugar Mama decided to make a trip to California to visit her ex. Later I found out that she ended up sleeping with. =/ I went to FL for Christmas for two weeks. Sugar Mama and I talked nonstop. When returning from FL we decided to give the whole relationship thing a try. But in order for me to do this I had to stop talking to Crazy. It was definitely hard but I did it. It was for my own good and I couldn’t be happier.

The last 5 months I have been so happy. I am so happy that I’m moving to MA in the future. I am not sure if it going to be 2 weeks or a month or by the end of the summer. All I know is that I am in love with Sugar Mama and I want to be with her 24/7. Some people say that we act like an old married couple. What’s wrong if we like to cook dinner with each other or sit on the back deck and smoke together? When I move to MA we will probably do our laundry together. Ha.

Saturday, May 16, 2009


Finally, I have my laptop back!

I have been working crazy hours lately. I'm tired 24/7.

I will write more tomorrow. There is so much to catch up on!