Friday, July 31, 2009


Today was my really early morning shift. Training for the manager's position is not that bad. Waking up at 2am to be at work by 3 is.

Tomorrow Sugar Mama and I go to look at a car for me. Mazda3 Hatchback. It's awesome!

Any who, my Mom calls me pretty much everyday even if there is nothing to talk about? Sometimes I just do not understand this woman. LOL

Muggy weather is here. Wish it would go away, I hate the feeling of stickiness when getting out the shower. Speaking of shower...a bath would be nice right now. I think first I will smoke, then I will draw a bath and then mix a drink for myself. Yep. That's what I am going to do.

Monday, July 27, 2009

Girl in a Coma

Well...the jewelry aisle is finally finished! My back is to show for all the hard work I did. I worked 10 to 5 today and I am currently sprawled out on my couch in pain. I could use a nap but if I sleep then I wont sleep tonight. Ugh. Decisions.

So..I bought JULY issue of CURVE MAGAZINE and found an article about this band that opens for Tegan and Sara. They are called "Girl in a Coma". I completely fell in love with them when I visited their homepage.

Friday, July 24, 2009


Not much has been happening here in MA. Sugar Mama and I visited NY earlier in the week. I wasn't there for 24 hours and I was already saying 'can we go home'.

It was nice to see my family and some close friends. I cut my hair once again. I just needed it. My hair was looking blah. I like the way it turned out, short.

My Gram came home from the hospital today and she better stay away from it for awhile!

Oh, I have been having a lot of back pain. Damn jewelry aisle is doing me in. Luckily, I have the weekend off to rest. A.C. Moore at its finest with leaks. Yeah, there was yet another leak today and this time it got a lot of product wet. -$300 plus.

I am really random tonight.

Well, there isn't to much more to say!

Monday, July 20, 2009

Sleep Deprived

I didn't get much sleep last night.

Before my sister got here I got a phone call from my Mom telling me that my Gram was in the hospital. She told me not to call because she was drowsy due to all the medicine the doctors had her on. I do not get it, I talked to her Saturday and she seem totally fine.

I guess she has some sort of infection. I cannot imagine life without her. I am returning home to tomorrow night to see her. I was planning on seeing her at her house but now I will be visiting her in the hospital.

Be strong Gram!!

Sunday, July 19, 2009


People come and go out of my life which some have greatly impacted me. Teachers, coaches, co-workers, friends and significant others.

Special K decided to apologize to me last week for what she thought had happened in our past. I couldn't except it. When I look back at what my life was like living with her (not in a relationship), I would rather just wish her luck with her future and never speak to her again. Drama is Special K's middle name. For the most part I have cut out a lot of drama when I moved to MA. This is my final goodbye to Special K.

On another note, I looked at my blog today and found that someone had left a comment on my post yesterday. I still do believe when people die they still are around us everyday in spirits. I know this one person would give anything to have their Grandma back physically in her life. Your Grandma is with you everyday, she is in your heart and in your apartment. Trust me, I have seen her. She scared me at first but I know she is there just to watch over you. Make her proud.

Another question...Do I miss the people who have been erased from my life?
Sure, I do. Every single one of them has something about themselves that reminds me of them everyday.

"Nothing is more fatal to happiness than the rememebrance of happiness."

Saturday, July 18, 2009


ok...I'm upset. Let me explain.

My parents have been camping in NJ for the week. My mom was sick for most of their trip. I called her like everyday to check up on her. Yesterday, my parents got into a fight and my Mom was very upset. Being the caring daughter I am I talked with her on the phone for almost an hour trying to calm her down. I invited her to MA for four days just to give her and my Dad a break from one another. I talked to my Dad and he was all for dropping her off on their way back home.

My Mom called me at 10:30 this morning saying that she forgot she has a graduation party to go to. So, needless to say my Mom chose to go to this graduation party rather than spending time with her own daughter who misses her.

I cleaned the apartment and even woke up Sugar Mama who worked all night last night to help me.

Sugar Mama told me not to feel bad because she will come and visit during the summer. There is a very slim chance that will ever happen. My Mom does not go anywhere without my Dad.

Idk...maybe a should distance myself for awhile. Maybe she just might realize that she hurt me. Maybe one day she will look back on this day and say, "wow, I have a daughter that loves me and cares for me and I pushed her away and let her down."

Another thing that is semi bothering me is my family has not called to see how I am doing. It's been a month since I moved. Maybe, I don't exist anymore?

If I didn't have my Gram I don't know what I would do. She has helped me so much. And I thank her for the young woman that I've become.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009


Yesterday, I picked out my ring. Well, it was just to give Sugar Mama an idea. lol I have it saved in my favorites. It's so beautiful and I'm not posting a picture just because I want to show it when its on my finger which probably won't be happening anytime soon. But, when that day comes I am going to so overwhelmed. Not just because of the ring, because I get to spend the rest of my life with someone who makes me happy, someone who makes me laugh and someone that I truly love.

Friday, July 10, 2009

I found my fish

I am totally exhausted and I have the whole weekend to just lounge around. Between work and the new couch we bought (in pieces) I am just ugh. I should be sleeping right now but instead I got a boost of energy and did some chores. Sugar Mama is at work tonight. Just me and the kitten home in bed tonight.

Laying in bed with her just makes me happy. I feel like turning to her and saying, "I found my fish in the sea. You are the one and someday I will marry you."

My Gram always told me that there was one fish in the sea for me and I would find it someday and that one fish will love me forever.

Friday, July 3, 2009

Decisions? it was brought to my attention yesterday that my Dad is not too happy with me at the moment.

I told him before I left for MA that there was still stuff in the apartment. My Mom told me she would take care of it. Mhm. She never got around to doing it.

So..the question is should I go home tonight to help with the party or should I go tomorrow and just show up as a guest?

Ugh..I'm so torn. I know I am going to be "talked to" either way.

Anyways, work is bringing me lots of laughs. Yesterday, we had the Niagara Falls in the store. 99 Steak House is directly above us in the mall and there water tank blew? Yeah, 5 panels in the ceiling are gone and 5 big buckets of water later. Not to mention all the mice shit and pee on the bottom of the shelves which I refused to clean. Another thing that is funny, you hardly ever see guys who wear all white with a golfer's hat which is also white in Upstate NY. BIG PIMPING! Haha. The things you see in a well diverse mall.

Oh...ok question. Have you ever had your breath taken away by another human being's stench? Ugh. It so happened to me today. I had to leave the aisle I was working in just to catch my breath. Seriously, its called water and soap!