Monday, August 31, 2009


So..I am in one of my moods.. I do not know why I get like this. I feel like shit. Like, I know I am down on myself a lot. The kind of mood where you just want to go to bed so you can stop thinking of all the shit you've got running in your head.

I am starting to feel alone at work. I mean, I do talk to my co workers but I always feel as if they are talking about me behind my back. Inventory came and went, now we just have to sort through the boxes. Today, we found product from the year 2000. Crazy right?

My mom and sister just skyped me. My little sister always makes me laugh..I think that was my first smile of the day. Thanks Boo. =)

Sunday, August 30, 2009


I am sooo tired right eyes are open but I do not feel awake..I am in a daze. I've been working a lot lately. Inventory at work. I do not want to do it ever again.. The company that A.C. Moore hired to count sucked. The people were rude and apparently they need to go back to school because they do not know how to count.

This coming weekend is labor day weekend and I will be in the Adirondacks camping it up with some friends. I cannot wait!

I think I am too tired to think...

Saturday, August 15, 2009


I recently sat down to enjoy my doughnut and read an article in "The Rainbow Times". The article was very interesting. So, I thought to myself. I wonder if this article is online? As I searched I came across another highlight article that caught my eye. The title, "Mormon image suffers after gay marriage fight".

Now as for me, I am not religious at all. Even growing up I was seldom brought to church and the few times when I was it was the most boring thing I have set through. Hell, I did not even know what "Mormon" meant until I met Sugar Mama.

See, Sugar Mama was raised as a Mormon. When you're a Mormon everything is based upon the church and Sugar Mama has a binder full of awards that she has won from various church events. When she attended BYU she realized that she had that attraction to the same sex.

Now, being a gay woman I have experienced "coming out" to my parents and others. Luckily, my parents and my extended family were welcoming of my new found sexuality. Granted yes, it was very hard for everyone to understand where I was coming from at first but today my entire family has accepted me.

A quote from my mom, "it's always about religion. You cant base that on who you fall in love with. Life is too short. I believe god loves everyone no matter who or what they are."

I am not sure how exactly Sugar Mama told her parents. What I do know is this: Sugar Mama is originally from Idaho. She moved across the country to find people that accepted her unlike her parents and her church. To this day Sugar Mama has no contact with her family. She seldom speaks with her sister but it's always a short conversation. Mormonism is a religion that forces members to choose faith over family. It hurts me to know such information. Would you choose your faith over your own daughter? I know for sure I wouldn't. Sugar Mama's family is at a loss. Sugar Mama is one of the nicest people I have ever met. She has a big heart and she is so strong. She is part of my family now. Just me and her and our kitten.

My point here is that the Mormon church in my mind is brainwashing people. Mormonism teaches that homosexual sex is considered a sin, but gays are welcome in church and can maintain church callings and membership if they remain celibate. So, let me give a scenario. Let's say, a gay man and his lover are Mormons. They are members of the church and go to church on regular basis. What if they were to walk into church holding hands? Would they be banned from the church for doing so? I mean, if they're celibate. You can love someone and still be celibate. See it does not make sense!

Last year at the urging of church leaders, Mormons donated tens of millions to the Yes on 8 campaign and were among the most vigorous volunteers. The institutional church gave nearly $190,000 to the campaign. Pretty much they wasted money on something that one day is going to be voted down. They could have gave the money to area hospitals to help the sick.

I guess what I'm trying to say is gays and lesbians are people too. We are just the same as an average person. You cannot help who you fall in love with whether is be a man or a woman. One day everyone will be equal. No one will care if your a different color or gay.

Here is the article. Take a look.

Monday, August 10, 2009

Long Day

What a long day. I worked 8.5 hours today although I am starting to feel like a manager. I like working, it's better than sitting home most of the day. I did that yesterday and oh my god was I bored. I took my kitten for a ride in the car to see Sugar Mama at work. Is that weird?

I watch a good movie last night it was about this gay guy in all boys prep school. He got picked on for his sexuality. He joined the school play and some how made this love potion that turned almost the whole town gay. I definitely would watch it again!

Alright, I'm going to settle down for the night!

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Wake up!

Today came and went. I swear it feels as if the days just keep getting shorter or something. I'm so tired and I barely did shit today. My kitten is fast asleep as we speak. Not to mention he scratched up my leg pretty good today. Go figure, he doesn't even have front claws.

Anyways, tomorrow I have to do something active. I need to loose some extra baggage that I seemed to accommodate. I was able to wear jeans to work Friday and when I went to go put a pair on they wouldn't buckle! Tried another and they wouldn't buckle. NOT GOOD!

Well, I have to wake up Sugar Mama for work.

Thursday, August 6, 2009


NY! Sugar Mama and I went home Tuesday night. We cooked dinner for my family and afterwards we had a bonfire with some friends. I had a blast. Perfect weather for sleeping in a tent which we both passed out around 2:30am. It was like "pillow, head and out like a light." Wednesday was a busy day. We spent most of the day shopping with my mom and going to doctor appointments. I went to get my back cracked. OUCH!

Doctor: Now, I am going to put this big vibrator on your back. You might like it. It's just to loosen you up.

Me: Chuckles.

But, I was really laughing so hard inside. Plus, the vibrations weren't even that strong. HAHA

Something else that was hilarious. My Mom and my two sisters were thinking of coming to MA to go to Six Flags for the day. We were all discussing the plans when Sugar Mama says, "is there something else to do other than Six Flags? I know you(which is me) do not like to go on rides and I am not going on rides without you." I told her she could go on rides with my sister and her girlfriend. Meanwhile, my Mom is listening to this whole conversation. My mom speaks up and says, "wait, I do not have lesbian to bring!" Oh my god, everyone bursts out laughing!

The past two days were just so much fun and I cannot wait for my family to come and visit next week!

Saturday, August 1, 2009

My choice

Is it bad to laugh when someone searches "Sugar Mama" on google they land upon my blog?

The car that I wanted was already sold by the time we got to the dealership today. Oh well. The worst thing was that my Dad was going to help me with a down payment. Guess I will keep searching. Too sooth me over I went and bought a new pair of sneakers...

Another thing, I am really getting tired of people telling me what I should do. Why? Can I not make decisions for myself. No one knows what goes on in my life. No one knows what I am feeling. I woke up this morning with a really good idea and got shot down by 2 different people. Well ya know what, it's not their decision its mine.